Monday, July 16, 2012

Get it together

Being a parent is hard work.  It seems the work is never done whether you work outside the home, have a home business or are a stay at home mom.  There are so many distractions in a day that pull us in all sorts of directions.  Online media is the worst.  We sit down to check in on our Facebook friends and before we know it, an hour or two is wasted. 

I recently found a great tip to get things accomplished whether at work or at home.  Carl White taught about the 60-60-30 rule.  Carl is a marketing mogul and teaches how to get more done in less time.  I loved this principle and have started applying it in my own life. 

Here's how it works.  The night before or first thing in the morning, establish the top three things that need to be done.  It could be anything, anything that will improve your home, your family or move your company ahead. 

First thing in the morning, set a timer for 50 min and work on the first item on your list.  Don't check Facebook, emails or answer the phone.  Work hard and focused for 50 straight minutes.  For the next 10 min.  take a break and walk away from your task.  Get some fresh air, get a snack, play with the kids but again, don't be tempted to check emails or Facebook. 

After 10 min. start on the next '60'.  Set the timer again for 50min.  Work on the 2nd and 3rd top tasks.  Work in a focused manner.  Again, after 50 min, take a 10 min break and start your 30 min break for a total of 40 min. away from work doing something else.  After your break, start another block of the 60-60-30 rule. 

It's amazing how much easier it is to stay focused and productive.  Some days, my to do list if finished by the time I reach my 40 min. break.  It is surprising how distracted we can get and then wonder where all our time went. 

Give it a try then let me know how it worked for you!

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