Monday, September 5, 2011

The Transformation

So, here is the transformation of my bedroom.  The last post was all about the mess I was in, this post is how I cleaned all that mess up.  Remember the cluttered closet full of books?  This is what that little closet looks like now.  It's my computer closet! 

 I know, it looks a little tight but we love it!  When we are through using it, we just shut the door, mess gone!  It also means, strangers don't have to be wandering in and out of my bedroom.  I just need to get a keyboard tray so it can be mounted below that shelf but that's it.  It has been a functional move.  Have you ever noticed how space is an awful lot like time and money?  If there is extra space, we fill it...but usually with junk.  That big computer desk was just a clutter collector.

What became of the books piled high on my bed...I'll get to that.  For now, this is the bed.  Still a lot of work to be done here.  Paint would be the next logical step but I am hunting down some new bedding.  I am so sick of the brown sueded comforter.  The pink sheets are an improvement from the red but they make me want to get sick.  Pink is just not my color but they will do for now.  Both sets of sheets are over 6 years old and that's old when they were so cheap to start with. 

Here is the wall where the coputer desk use to be.  Now it is home to my books!  I love this corner of my room and spend more time than I thought I would.  My books are finally organized!  I have sat down to read books I forgot I had.  I love it.  The chair is an old, old chair I inherited from my Grandma.  It's pretty comfy and though hard to see in the photo, it has threads of the most beautiful shade of blue so I think that will become my accent color.

I have a word to say about bookshelves.  Ideally, bookshelves look really nice when merchandised with accessories rather than wall to wall books.  In my case, these shelves really need to be more functional than beautiful because I have so many books and these are the only shelves I own.  For me, this works.  I love, love books! 

Well, I bet you're wondering what became of the old door I had used as my computer desk?  That door was an old one I found in a house that was being demolished some time ago.  The house was built in the mid 1900's so it was a great find.  I dragged that door home, enhanced the old beauty of it.  I hated to get rid of it altogether so I cut it up and built me a coffee table!  I love the way it turned out!  I kept the old worn edges.  It really helps to anchor the room.

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